As Gary was leaving, Helen's friend Rouen came over for a play date. She immediately put on the pink princess dress that she loves [we hope to leave it with her when we finally depart].
And of course, Sophia has to do whatever the big girls are doing - including dresses, umbrellas and ubiquitous V sign.
The girls all made 'American cookies' with Ann - this being a rather new experience for Rouen. Since very few Chinese people have ovens, they do not have much of a recent tradition of baking your own cookies, breads and cakes. Rouen was sent home with a plate of chocolate chip cookies for her family. And thanks to our visitors who brought the chocolate chips! We remember it was one of the Marys but cannot recall which one.
After her play date, Helen had her last paper cut class. Here she is with her teacher.
Actually the last class was a final exam, although we didn't know it. Helen arrived late to discover the exam (make 5 paper cuts in the class time) but was able to make 4 paper cuts and was graduated to the next class. Hurrah! Unfortunately, we will not be around for the next course. :(
Here is the indomitable Huan Huan with her teacher and some of her graduating class with a background of rather colorful paper cuts.
In the evening we had a babysitter [she was supposed to come the night before so we could go out with our friend Gary, but she couldn't make it], so we went out Saturday to dinner and some strolling around with our friends Jason [who teaches English at Xiada] and Melanie [who is a fellow student with Ann at the Overseas College].
Upon our return home we were greeted by our old friend Wushu the lizard who, it appears, had not left but had crawled up the wall.
We were glad to see him and took a few shots of him before he scooted off into our huge pile of shoes by the doorway.
On Sunday we went off to church, but first we all checked our shoes thoroughly in case we squished poor Wushu. Our lunch after church is usually rather quiet, with the exception of our children in the restaurant. But this Sunday - because it was officially Children's Day - almost every table in the place was filled and with small kids at almost every one. It was a noisy but enjoyable lunch.
Helen actually had another play date with Rouen, this time at Rouen's house. Since Sunday was Children's Day they went to Bailuzou Park where there were various festivities [we have been promised pictures].
Around bedtime, my student and one of our babysitters, Fu Qinqin, came over with a big bag of candy for the children. I think that her boyfriend sends candy over from Korea, but she doesn't eat it. So she stocked it up and brought a big bag over on Children's Day.
She also brought over a traditional food for Dragon Boat Festival. It is flavored rice with pork in the middle, then wrapped in bamboo leaves or reeds and tied with a string. Her mother had sent them with her from Zhejiang Province.
We are getting ready for our next batch of visitors: my brother's family. They are to arrive on Wednesday afternoon after many flights. So we wish them well as they prepare for their cross Pacific journey.
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