Sunday, October 14, 2007

Helen's playdate

I never got around to talking about Helen's play date after school on Friday. Actually, Sophia was there, too , but didn't make it into any pictures. Helen's friend Rouen and her mother invited us over. They live in a high rise apartment building on the 6th floor (no elevator) but with a great view of the ocean. Helen brought treats to share, and I was amazed at how they were able to play without really being able to talk. They ate a lot of snacks, dressed up, drew pictures for each other and watched children's videos.
Meanwhile, Lan (she is an engineering professor,as is Rouen's father) was serving tea to me, Fujian style, and we were having a nice talk about our daughters, life in China and in Xiamen and the challenges of raising children. I am so grateful to her and especially to her daughter, who is really a big help to Helen at school and helps her to feel like she belongs. But she said her daughter didn't like going to school last year and now likes going and doesn't want to miss because "Huan-huan might need me" ... so everyone is happy! When it was time for me to go home and make dinner, Helen didn't want to go, so she stayed and Lan brought her home on her motor scooter -- a big thrill for Helen.

Today was Sunday and this afternoon Michael and I attended our first Chinese class , which the university is offering to the foreign teachers. It got off to a rough start with a room full of teachers all wanting to direct things, what book we should use, etc. I actually found it quite annoying -- I just can't imagine a roomful of Chinese bossing the teacher around --unthinkable!We'll see how the class unfolds, but at this point I need all the help I can get!

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