Wednesday, October 17, 2007

First oral English class

No photos today. I couldn't afford any additional distraction. I taught two 40 minute periods of English to 8-10 kindergartners this evening. The teachers at the center were surprised that the children weren't shy with me -- but I guess some of the kids recognized me from Helen's school. The children were anything but shy -- quite unruly, giggly and of course adorable. Not sure how much English they will learn from me but I think they will be very good for my Chinese. We sang a couple of songs, did introductions, and played a game with animal names and acting them out (I had drawn some pictures for visual aides). I am exhausted, but also pleased with myself for venturing out -- even meeting the other teachers will be a good connection I think. I am teaching once or twice a moth in each class, so this week I am doing a lot, to finish out October, but then it will be spread out, so hopefully will not feel like too much.


BuffaloKate said...

you can do anything!
love from Kate at home

BuffaloKate said...

Ann, you can do anything! We miss you guys a lot everyday.
love from Kate at home...