The painting in my bedroom was done by this art student form Inner Mongolia who was selling them back in Beijing at the Forbidden City.

Sophia in her bed -- she has finally gone back to sleeping on her own, thank heaven.
Not a lot to report today. I was feeling a little under the weather stomach-wise -- the first time really -- so in the morning the girls and I stuck close to home. After my morning chores I was lounging reading back issues of the New Yorker someone left when the maid came to vacuum and clean the bathroom. Did I mention that we have a maid? She empties the trash, vacuums and cleans the bathroom (sort of) 3 times a week. We are on friendly terms, but I find it a little odd. I would rather she left the vacuum and I could do it myself! Then I could get that dust from under the bed without feeling bossy and having to point it out to her. While the room were clean I took a few pictures to complete the tour of our apartment. We finally have nearly everything put away and have done a little rearranging to make the place our own. Thomas has a privacy curtain now and we call his room "the cave". Speaking of Thomas, he is now walking home from the bus stop in the afternoon, since there is a crossing guard. In the morning Deborah or I are taking him and Kate to the bus. The walk is mostly on campus, takes about 15 minutes, but its a big step towards independence for him. I think we will start giving him some spending money so he can stop at the store on the corner on his way if he wants.
The girls and I took a walk back to the temple grounds today and actually saw a frog sitting on a lily pad. Too bad I didn't have the camera. My shopping quest for the day was to find the European embroidery store to get a hoop for the cross stitch kits I brought. I had the address from a flier and unbelievably, I found it!
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